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DIGITECH XBS BASS SQUEEZE Bass Multi-Band Compressor

DIGITECH XBS BASS SQUEEZE Bass Multi-Band Compressor


Product Description

Bass Multi-Band Compressor

The Bass Squeeze™ is the result of collaboration between DigiTech and dbx™ to create the world’s finest bass compression pedal. Utilizing award- winning dbx™ OverEasy™ technology, the Bass Squeeze™ delivers dual-band compression, creating the best bass compressor found in any stompbox.

Level - controls the overall compression level

Crossover - selects the frequency at which the signal crosses over from the low band to the high band control. The frequency range runs from 100Hz to 3kHz

Low Band - adjusts the amount of low frequency compression plus the output level.

Dual Outputs. The Amp output is for connecting directly to a bass amplifier. The Mixer output, with CIT™ bass cabinet emulation technology, is for connecting directly to a mixing board or headphone preamp